

On leave, not teaching.


DS-GA 3001: PhD Seminar: Scaling Laws, the Bitter Lesson, and AI Research after GPT-3 (Fall)

LING-UA 52: Machine Learning for Language Understanding (Spring, cross-listed as DS-UA 203)

DS-GA 1012: Natural Language Understanding and Computational Semantics (Spring, cross-listed as LING-GA 1012)


LING-GA 3340: Team Project Seminar on Large-Scale Annotation for Subtle and Ambiguous Language Tasks (Fall)

LING-UA 52: Machine Learning for Language Understanding (Spring, cross-listed as DS-UA 203)

DS-GA 1012: Natural Language Understanding and Computational Semantics (Spring, cross-listed as LING-GA 1012)


LING-UA 52: Machine Learning for Language Understanding (Spring, cross-listed as DS-UA 203)

DS-GA 1012: Natural Language Understanding and Computational Semantics (Spring, cross-listed as LING-GA 1012)


LING-UA 6: Patterns in Language (Fall)

DS-GA 1012: Natural Language Understanding and Computational Semantics (Spring, cross-listed as LING-GA 1012, with Katharina Kann)

LING-GA 3340: Team Project Seminar on Linguistic Knowledge in Reusable Sentence Encoders (Spring)


DS-GA 1011: Natural Language Processing with Representation Learning (Fall, with Kyunghyun Cho)

DS-GA 1012: Natural Language Understanding and Computational Semantics (Spring, cross-listed as LING-GA 1012)

LING-GA 3340: Seminar on Deep Learning in Semantics (Spring, with Chris Barker)


DS-GA 3001: Natural Language Understanding with Distributed Representations (Fall, emergency fill-in for Kyunghyun Cho)

LING-GA 3340: Seminar in Semantics: Artificial Neural Networks (Fall)

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