Should I apply to Anthropic?

Teams in my department are usually hiring researchers with extremely strong industry or open-source engineering experience and some context on AI alignment, and when we aren’t neighboring teams usually are hiring for similar profiles. I’ll occasionally announce roles on X/Twitter, but in general, if you’re interested, just apply to roles on the Careers page that appeal to you.

I can’t provide pre-interview advice to job candidates, and I can only give referrals for people who I have worked with directly for multiple months, so it won’t generally be helpful to reach out to me before applying. I also won’t generally be able to respond to Anthropic requests through my nyu.edu address.

Will you hire me at NYU?

I am not currently recruiting new research students, teaching assistants, visitors, or staff at NYU. Consider reaching out to other faculty and senior researchers at the Alignment Research Group instead.

Will you {speak at my event, review for my conference, do an interview for my story, help me answer my research question}?

I’m happy to take some of these requests, but I receive many more of them than I’m able to reply to. Please don’t be offended if you don’t hear back.

For Anthropic media inquiries that aren’t specific to me, use press@anthropic.com.

I’m not currently open to paid consulting or to new sponsored research arrangements.

Variational Autoencoders

My paper on this topic with Luke Vilnis was done during a Google internship, and we were not able to take any code or data with us at the end of the internship. If you need help applying VAE language models in new areas, my coauthor Luke has some notes that we are allowed to share, but your best bet is to look at any of the many good papers on the topic that have come out since ours.

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